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Special Olympics National Recognition

The Special Olympics has recognized the Chittenango CSD and Chittenango High School as National Banner Schools for Unified Sports!

According to the Special Olympics:

"This distinction marks the highest level of achievement for Unified Champion Schools in the nation, recognizing their leadership in creating inclusive school communities where all students are accepted and celebrated. In Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools, students with and without disabilities play on the same sports teams and take physical education courses together. Students learn inclusive leadership skills and lead campaigns and activities that engage the entire school community to encourage and promote inclusion among their peers."

"Our Special Olympics Unified Champion Banner Schools are some of the best and brightest havens for inclusion not just in our state but throughout our country," said Hengsterman. "It's our honor to recognize them for all they've done and all they'll continue to do." 

As such, the Chittenango CSD celebrated this monumental accomplishment in a big way!

On Tuesday, November 26, the Chittenango CSD conducted a celebration assembly at each of our four instructional buildings.  Unified Sports athletes, Special Olympians, and school staff were recognized by every student in the District!

The National Banner program representatives will be on hand to celebrate CNY's only National Banner School!

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